
 [View thread 79 hallo X Anonymous Sat 2024-10-19 5:41pm No.79
Hey anon, good for you for making such a cozy place! I also tried making an imageboard in my country around the same time you started yours based around my local highschool/town, but failed to gather interest in it so it died quickly. Forums in these parts are almost extinct anyways, except for Plebbit and one big tech message board lol.

Cherish what you have, and try to promote it on different websites, there are many sites today that try to revive the Old Web™ as it was... it would be cool to see this place become as big as Heyuri maybe... sorry for the blogpost and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!!!
>> X Aki ## Admin Mon 2024-10-21 8:32pm No.80
Very sweet of you, thanks

 [View thread 77 X Anonymous Wed 2024-10-16 10:11pm No.77
can you make the page look more something like this?
>> X Anonymous Wed 2024-10-16 11:02pm No.78
I like this idea…

 [View thread 59 Alive? X Anonymous Wed 2024-10-02 6:12am No.59
are y'all still alive
>> X padinski_burazer Wed 2024-10-02 1:24pm No.60
>> X anon Fri 2024-10-11 12:38am No.76
nuh uh

 [View thread 74 X Anonymous Wed 2024-10-09 10:52pm No.74
>i watch k-drama with my discord buddies am i a girl yet
>> X Aki Wed 2024-10-09 11:22pm No.75

 [View thread 51 Updates X Aki ## Admin Thu 2024-09-26 12:22am No.51
I will be updating the site a bit around this or next week, my new laptop should be arriving tomorrow so when i transfer all my files i can start working a little on 9chan, thanks for all the suggestions and banners that were made for the site.

Changes will include things like, updated banners, (i will keep the old ones too tho)
making the banners switch every half a minute or so aswell as updating the icon thanks to someone on the site here making a high quality version of it. ( >>40 )

Thanks for keeping the site somewhat alive, didnt think it would keep up so long lol.

Also since i dont have much else to offer i'll give away one month of nitro basic (discord) in the server on sunday since its my birthday on sunday!

Also random question, i dont get why 9chan gets mistaken for infinitychan all the time, can anyone explain? am too stupid to read lore
4 post(s) omitted. Click here to view.
>> X Anonymous Thu 2024-10-03 6:23pm No.64

I drew you, hope you like it.
>> X Anonymous Sun 2024-10-06 3:39am No.70
when will you actually do those things
>> X Aki ## Admin Mon 2024-10-07 11:06pm No.73
I already did em, although i had a little setback because my retarded ass sd card decided to die on me.
I will do em as soon as i can but i cant say exactly when thatll be.

 [View thread 71 100 GET acceleration thread X Anonymous Sun 2024-10-06 3:58am No.71
see subject
>> X Anonymous Sun 2024-10-06 4:07am No.72

 [View thread 65 Chirp… Chirp… X Anonymous Fri 2024-10-04 6:48pm No.65
This site is totally dead.
1 post(s) omitted. Click here to view.
>> X anonymous Fri 2024-10-04 10:05pm No.67
it sure is
>> X Anonymous Fri 2024-10-04 10:42pm No.68
any 'teens?
>> X padinski_burazer Sat 2024-10-05 1:23am No.69
looking by how people responded in like 2 hours id rather say its edging for someone to post something

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