[Return] 79 hallo X Anonymous Sat 2024-10-19 5:41pm No.79
Hey anon, good for you for making such a cozy place! I also tried making an imageboard in my country around the same time you started yours based around my local highschool/town, but failed to gather interest in it so it died quickly. Forums in these parts are almost extinct anyways, except for Plebbit and one big tech message board lol.

Cherish what you have, and try to promote it on different websites, there are many sites today that try to revive the Old Web™ as it was... it would be cool to see this place become as big as Heyuri maybe... sorry for the blogpost and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!!!
>> X Aki ## Admin Mon 2024-10-21 8:32pm No.80
Very sweet of you, thanks


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